Pyeongtaek - Osan AB


It was obviously fall season, but the place (the small town outside of Osan AB) was amazingly empty at this time. This was, however, to change very quickly.


And suddenly, it was Halloween and the place got crowded. A joint US and South Korean military band played for the revelers.



The little ones had all the fun and the parents were the enablers, for sure.


What a difference a few hours made



The mood was festive and the party was on


Me! Me next, please, please!!


Bananas? I am not sure and probably should have asked. It was definitely a family project


These, whatever they were, fascinated me as much as they obviously did the owner


A young wizard in training


Taken on base with my iPad, and I wished I had my real camera with me for this.


When I got back, there was some major event going on in Seoul and televised. Many expensively dressed foreigners were present as well, potentially diplomats and industrial leaders.


Nice enough for me to watch for a while, considering I didn't understand a word, nor what the occasion was.



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